Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day +21: The D Word...

Meaning discharge!  Dr. Nakamura is talking seriously about discharge for about a week from now.  Her counts are good (down today but up and down is expected - WBC 2.8, platelets 124), and she's starting to keep food down.  Our nurse for the last two nights recommended finding something she likes, and just keep eating that.  Orange sherbet seems to the winner!  She's enjoyed two of those today, as well as a little broth and some toast.  Might not sound like a lot, but it is compared to a three days ago, let alone a week ago.

We took a field trip down to the first floor today for x-rays.  Wednesday is x-ray day, and since her counts are so high, we traveled to them and not vice versa.  Wasn't the most thrilling outing, but I do think a change of scenery, even to another floor of the hospital, was appreciated.  The other visitor today was the hypnotherapist, who originally was ordered up to help with back pain, but will now focus on nausea/eating since that is a more important issue.  I stepped outside for the hypnosis portion, and when I came back, my mom was quacking like a duck and hopping on one foot!  No, in all seriousness, she was doing an impersonation of Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry.  

No no - it's all about guided imagery, and my mom seemed to enjoy it.  It's basically imagining this...

... so you forget you feel like this.

Signing off to enjoy the Olympics!

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