Today was a good day all around. Her counts continue to look good (platelets 144, WBC 4.0), and she is making a strong effort to reduce her pain medications. Her appetite perked up a bit, so she had a few bites of toast and a "resource slushy" which is just an Ensure drink frozen, put into a small plastic cup, and given a gross name. We also had a ton of visitors - Dr. Nakamura, the occupational therapist, the social worker, the psychologist, Dr. Nakamura's nurse practitioner, and the nutritionist. And this in addition to the regular nurse and PCA visits. Phew!
Another benefit of her good counts is that she does not need to be woken up in the morning for "blood products" (which kind of makes it sound like you're at the meat counter - "I'll have half a pound of the grass-fed platelets please?"), which means more sleep which leads to feeling better. I left her tonight on her Kindle, trying to fall asleep naturally for the first time since she's been in the hospital.
And finally, this video brought us a lot of laughs today. Una's one-sided love affair with Kofi is being well documented on Emerald St. She is in a very tactile phase, and loves touching Kofi's fur. Kofi... not so much.
i for one love your posts, Eoin! there is something very appropriate about irony and a dry wit when writing missives from the hospital. ;) please give your mother a gigantic hug from me. I have been meaning to actual-letter-on-paper-write for a week now and have not been able to drag my head out of thesis/work land…! but I will very soon, because I want to be one of Síle's Shih-Tzu's too. lots love to all of you. xoxox from snowy montreal. <3