Sunday, November 27, 2016

Boot camp for the pelvis!

A shortish missive from Síle about Síle. 

I will be discharged from the fabulous Summit Rehab Center on Friday December 2nd. My days are busy. I have mandatory PT for 3 hours a day. Then I have so called bed exercises which I do at least 3 times a day. Add in how long it takes to actually get out of the bed or chair and you get the picture. I have a broken pelvis which will heal on its own but is " bloody painful" if I don't move just right. One week post surgery my elbow is improving nicely. I can now dress myself which is thrilling! (Don't  ask how long it takes). I navigate the Center with my walker and get more proficient every day. The gym is terrific  but when I am there, we are working so hard there is no chit chatting or any such foolishness. We are all too busy concentrating on our exercises . The therapists, nurses , doctors etc are also fab.

Thank you to everyone for all the love and support. I can hear your cheers when I navigate a tricky manouver!  After I return, I'd welcome visitors. 

And now for the good part. Pictures. And the excellent news that Jutta and Greg are now proud parents of Lukas. 

Nóra, Úna and Ainaté on Thanksgiving 

Jutta, Greg, and Lukas 



  1. SO SO SO glad you hear that you are able to enjoy yourself despite the situation. And so happy to hear that you are being treated well. You know I would have some words to say if I heard otherwise...

  2. Yay on your upcoming discharge!!! Keep those missives coming. We love your writing. XXO Maria & Philip

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  4. Its a nice post... Its a lovely experience of your life..'
    Thanks for share

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