Saturday, December 7, 2013

Transplant in 2014/Síle's life at the Cancer Center

After long conversations with Drs Cecchi and Nakamura, we decided to start  the transplant process in January 2014. So Frank, donor Convery, as he is referred to in my medical files, and I, will make our appearance at the City of Hope on January 6 to begin the process. (I did win my tussle with the  insurance company and could have gone sooner. It was a saga which would bore the socks off you were I to recount the details. Trust me)

My counts have been slipping which has meant that I have been at the Cancer Center every day this week--- including today Saturday-- for pokes, prods, transfusions and of course my almost daily encounters with the wonderful Dr Cecchi. But this has meant that I have not had time to return calls etc, so trust me when is say I would much prefer to have been chatting to all of you!

Amazingly I feel pretty good and have been out and about ---mainly listening to music. And I  am enjoying the Christmas  fuss. (Yes. I do like Christmas)

Úna of course continues to be the star and even Lola is getting on the Úna adoration train.

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