Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life on Emerald Street

I am staying with Nora and Ainate for a few weeks . Then on to a sublet near The Claremont hotel. Thank you all for helping me pack, move, and find  a place to land!

Life on Emerald Street is all about the animals. Let me tell you more

Lola, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, loves al things wooly. So I dare not leave my knitting out or she will munch on my yarn

Maria, the tortoise shell, is the big adventurer. Her favorite destination is the Toyota dealership. The guys know her well since she visits frequently. And she sometimes gets stuck in a corner and calls are placed. Ainate goes over and retrieves her

Macho, the black and white guy, is also known as ' The Evil Cat'. Because nothing is safe. He has knocked the wine carafe off the top shelf. Yes the top shelf. If you leave your coffee on the window sill .... bam he gets it! And on and on

Kofi. Well Kofi is just Kofi. He just ignores them all and does his own thing

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